Everyday Science General Knowledge One Liner MCQs 2020 #General Knowledge MCQs science 2020

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Everyday Science General Knowledge One Liner MCQs 2020

Everyday Science Everyday Science General Knowledge One Liner MCQs 2020. Here you will find the General Science Multiple Choice Questions Mcqs are from Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Atmospheric Studies. Everyday Science Online Test 2 Mcqs Preparation Practice Questions. All Important Abbreviation related to Everyday Science in MCQs. General Science mcqs and Scientific facts MCQs. Everyday Science MCQs with Answers.  Everyday Science General Knowledge MCQs 2020 One Liner PPSC, FPSC, BPSC, SPSC, NTS, OTS, PTS.#MCQs #For #PPSC #NTS #CSS.
General Knowledge MCQs science

Rusting of Iron involves......?
A: Reduction
B: Oxidation
C: Decomposition
D: Displacement

 Light year is a unit of...?
A: time
B: distance
C: light
D: intensity of light

 Which city is famous for chappal and Khussa....?
B:  Peshawar
C: Gujranwala
D: Sukkur

 Which range lies along the border of Sindh and Baluchistan Province....?
A: Chaghi
B: Makran range
C: Kirthar range
D: Koh-e-Sufaid

 When did Hazrat Hamza (RA) embrace Islam...?
A: Fifth Nabvi
B: Sixth Nabvi
C: Seventh Nabvi
D: Fourth Nabvi

What is the name of the camel which the Holy Prophet (SAW) was riding in the migration of Madina....?
A: Buldul
B: Anza
C: Qaswa
D: Zulifqar

Which country is called the "Land of Rising Sun" 🌞 ?
A:  Japan
B: Norway
C: Ireland
D: Thailand

Nuclear energy is ____ dangerous to be used widely.....?
A: so
B:  such
C: too
D: that

Albert Einstein was born in....?
A:  Austria
B: England
C: Germany
D: France

Sensitive layer of the eye is.......?
A:  Choriods
B: Sclerotic
C: Retina
D: Cornea

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