Code Of Criminal Procedure 1898 (Cr.P.C 1898) one-liner for LAT & GAT 2023

  (Cr.P.C 1898) Code Of Criminal Procedure 1898

·         How many section are there in Criminal Procedure Code, 1898? 565

·         Column 6, of 2nd Schedule shows________________?  Nature of offence as compoundable or not

·         Section 554, Cr.P.C. empowers ___________ to make rules for inspection of record of subordinate Courts?  High Court

·         Under section 562, Cr.P.C Court has power to release offender on probation of_________________?  Good conduct

·         When a police-officer subordinate to the officer incharge of a police station, seize any suspected property shall forthwith report the seize property to___________?  Station House Officer

·         Section ______, of Cr.P.C bounds police to deliver to military authorities a persons liable to be tried by Court-martial?  549

·         The power enjoyed by a Court under Section 540 is _________ in nature?  Discretionary Power of Court and Mandatory Power of Court

·         A Public Servant can submit his affidavit during any course of inquiry, trial or other proceeding before any court other than_______________?  High Court

·         Section 529, Cr.P.C. deals with irregularities which______________? Vitiate proceedings

·         Section ______, of Cr.P.C empower provincial Government to transfer cases and appeals?  527

·         High Court may transfer a case or itself try it as provided in_______________?  Section 526, Cr.P.C

·         The punishment of imprisonment granted under section 514, Cr.P.C will be of __________ nature?  Civil Nature

·         In case surety bonds of a person are forfeited by court under section 514, Cr.P.C the person can be imprisoned for imprisonment of _________________?  Six months

·         Section __________ deals with recording of evidence in absence of accused?  512 Cr.P.C

·         Medical witness can record his statement under section _________________?  509, Cr.P.C

·         Under section 503, of Cr.P.C Court of Session or High Court shall appoint __________ as commission for recording of evidence of a witness?  Any Magistrate f 1st class

·         When any accused person fulfill the requirement of section 499, Cr.P.C he will be_______________?  Released.

·         Bail before arrest can be moved before_______________?  Before Court of Session Judge

·         An anticipatory bail means_________________?  Bail before arrest

·         Section 497(3) deals with________________?  Court’s reason recording of releasing a person on bail

·         The term “abscond” means________________?  To hide from criminal proceedings

·         The word bail is derived from old _________ word bailier?   French

·         In non abilable cases release of accused on bail depends upon discretion of ________________?  Court

·         Section 497 of Cr.P.C is applicable to the cases in which accused is _________________?  Arrested

·         Bail is transfer of custody of a person from police to _____________?  Private persons

·         Bail has _________ kinds?  4

·         The officer appointed under section 492, Cr.P.C may appear and plead with __________________?  Out obtaining any authority

·         Petition of habeas corpus can be made before______________?  Court of Session & High Court

·         In case of trial or inquiry Magistrate got opinion that accused is of unsound mind incapable of his deence he will __________ the further proceeding?  Postpone.

·         Section 439-A, Cr.P.C deals with revisional power of______________?  Session Court

·         Revision can be made to ________ under section 439, Cr.P.C?  High Court

·         Appellate Court can take further evidence as provided in section _________, Cr.P.C?  428

·         Appeal is admissible on matter of_________________?  Fact & LAW

·         A person aggrieved by the order of acquittal passed by any court, other than a High Court, may, within_______ days, file an appeal to the High Court?  Thirty days

·         Section ______ deals with appeal from sentence of Court of Session? 410, Cr.P.C

·         Appeal against the order of Additional Session judge shall lie to_____________?  High Court

·         A, B and C are charged by a Magistrate of the first class with and convicted by him of robbing D, A.B and C may afterwards be charged with and tried for ______________ on the same facts?  Decoity

·         Which sentence from the following can not be suspended or remitted by Provincial Government ?  Sentence of Karo Kari

·         No appeal shall lie from any judgment or order of criminal Court except as provided by________________? Cr.P.C. &  Any other law

·         Section 391, Cr.P.C deals with execution of __________________?  Sentence of whipping

·         If a women sentenced to death is found to be pregnant the High Court shall order the execution of sentence to be postponed and may if thinks fit commute the sentence to _______________?  Imprisonment for life

·         Section 365 deals with recording of evidence in______________?  High Court

·         The procedure for recording evidence before court is given in section __________________?  364, Cr.P.C

·         It is provided in section_________, Cr.P.C that no person who has been arrested by police officer shall be discharged except on his own bond or on bail or under special order of Magistrate?  63

·         Instruction given in Section 353, Cr.P.C regarding evidence must be recorded in presence of accused is __________ in nature?  Obligatory

·         The list of compoundable offences is provided in section __________, Cr.P.C?  345

·         Where accused is unable to understand proceeding the matter will be forward to _______________ ?  High Court

·         If accused admits that he has committed the offence, his admission shall be recorded as nearly as possible in ?  The words used by the accused

·         Section 342, deals with power of Court to examine the _________________?  Accused

·         Section 265-F, of Cr.P.C deals with_________________?  Evidence of prosecution

·         The right given to accused under section 340, Cr.P.C is his _________ right?  Statutory

·         Accused has _________ right to advance arguments?  Statutory

·         Evidence of accomplice is not admissible in_________________?  Hudood cases

·         No person shall be tenders a pardon who is involved in an offence relating to hurt or qatl without permission of the_______________?  Victim & Heirs of the victim

·         Section 337 Cr.P.C. deals with_______________?  An accomplice

·         Section 265 D, deals with _________ at trial before Court of Session?  Framing of charge

·         Section _______ to ________, deals with trial conducted before Court of Session and High Court?  265A to 265N,

·         An order of acquittal under section 249-A of Cr.P.C is revisionable under section________________?  439-A

·         Section 249-A, empowers a Magistrate to _________ accused at any stage? Acquit

·         An order of acquittal under section 245(1) Cr.P.C is appealable under section_________________?  417

·         Section 245(1), C r.P.C deals with ______________? Acquittal

·         Charge will be framed under section ___________ Cr.P.C by Magistrate? 242

·         Under section 241-A, _________ shall be provided statements and document?   Accused

·         Supply of statements and documents to the accused during trial before Magistrate is dealt by ?  Section 242, Cr.P.C

·         Section ________, of Cr.P.C deals with persons who may be charged and tried together?  239

·         The power of amendment of charge provided under section 227, Cr.P.C is __________ in nature? Discretionary

·         In charge section of Law against which the offence is said to has been committed ?  Must be stated

·         Which sections from the following deals with charge_______________?  Section 221 to 230, Cr.P.C

·         When a complaint is made before a Magistrate regarding cognizable offence he shall record the statement of complainant ?     On oath

·         Section 193, deals with cognizance of offence by______________?  Session Court

·         When a citizen of Pakistan commits an offence at any place without and beyond the limits of Pakistan he may be dealt with in respect of such offence ?  At any place within Pakistan at which he may be found

·         Section 178 of Cr.P.C empowers ___________ to pass order regarding cases to be decided in various Session Divisions?  Provincial Government

·         Section 176, Cr.P.C empowers Magistrate to make inquiry with respect of______________? Cause of death

·         Column No. 3, of challan form is for the accused ______________?  Under arrest

·         Column No. 6, of challan form dealt with______________?  Witnesses

·         Section 174, of Cr.P.C deals with______________? Police to inquire report on suicide etc.

·         The challan Form has __________ column?  7 columns

·         The report of police officer needs to be submitted before Magistrate through______________?  Public Prosecutor

·         Section 170, Cr.P.C deals with _______________?  Sending of case to Magistrate

·         Section _______, empowers police to release accused if there is deficiency of evidence?  169, Cr.P.C

·         Section 167, Cr.P.C deals with _______________?  Remand

·         A Magistrate authorizing under section 167, Cr.P.C detention of accused in custody of Police________?  Shall record his reasons for so doing

·         Section _________ deals with procedure when investigation can bot be completed in twenty four hours?   167, Cr.P.C

·         __________ is essential for recording statement under section 164, Cr.P.C ?  Certification by Magistrate

·         Any statement recorded by Magistrate under section 164, Cr.P.C may be recorded in presence of_____________?  Accused

·         The question while recording evidence by police officer under section 161, of Cr.P.C must be ________ by witness?  Answered

·         The statement recorded under section 161, Cr.P.C can ?  Not be cross examined

·         Under Section 160, Cr.P.C police officer has power to require attendance of__________________?  Witnesses

·         The report send by officer incharge under Section 157, of Cr.P.C shall be submitted to magistrate by _________________?  Superior officer of police appointed by Provincial Government

·         Investigation against a women accused in offence of zina shall be conducted by____________?   Police-officer not below the rank of Superintendent of Police

·         After recording FIR it is necessary to be read over to _________ by police-officer?  Complainant or informer

·         The F.I.R. needs to be signed by_______________?   Informer

·         The registration of FIR regarding cognizable offences is _________ duty of officer in charge of police station?  Statutory

·         Section 154, Cr.P.C deals with__________________?  First Information Report

·         A police-officer may ________ interpose to prevent any injury attempted to be committed in his view to any public property, moveable or immovable or the removal or injury of any public landmark or buoy or other mark used for navigation?  Of his own authority

·         When the Magistrate attaches the subject of dispute, he may, if he thinks fit shall appoint a receiver by enjoying power under?  Cr.P.C.

·         Section 146 of Cr.P.C empowers __________ to attach subject of dispute?  The Magistrate

·         The basic ingredient to exercise power under section 145, by a Magistrate regarding immovable property is likely to cause?  Breach of peace

·         Under section ______ temporary orders in urgent cases of nuisance or apprehended danger can be made?  144 Cr.P.C

·         Section ______ of Cr.P.C deals with conditional order for removal of nuisance?  133

·         According to section 132-A, which one from the following falls in armed forces ? Security Force constituted under the Federal Security Forces Act (XI-1973)

·         Under Section 129, a police officer not below the rank of ________ can cause military to disperse unlawful assembly?  Assistant Superintendent or DSP

·         Under section ________ Cr.P.C the Magistrate may, if he sees sufficient cause, dispense with the personal attendance of any person called upon to show cause why he should not be ordered to execute a bond for keeping the peace, and may permit him to appear by a pleader?  116

·         Section 109, Cr.P.C deals with security from_______________?  Vagrant and suspected person

·         It is provided in section ________ Cr.P.C that search to be made in presence of two or more respectable inhabitatns of the locality?  103 Cr.P.C

·         Bond for appearance of person whose summons or warrant has been issued will be taken under _______?  Section 91, Cr.P.C

·         Proclamation for persons absconding is made under section _________, Cr.P.C? 87

·         Warrants has _________ kinds?  3

·         Section 75, Cr.P.C deals with forms of_______________?  Warrants of arrest 

·         Every summon issued by a Court under Cr.P.C shall be in writing in duplicate and must be signed and sealed by the?  Presiding officer of the Court

·         Under section 62, of Cr.P.C ________ shall report to the (Zila Nazim, District Superintendent of Police and District Public Safety Commission) about the detention of person arrested without warrant?  Station House Officer

·         Section 61, bounds police to produce any detained person before Magistrate having jurisdiction within ________ hours?  24 hours

·         Section _______, Cr.P.C empowers a private person to arrest an offender?  59

·         Section 55 of Cr.P.C deals with arrest of_____________?  Vagabonds and habitual robbers

·         The person arrested by police shall______________?  Not be subjected to more restraint than is necessary to prevent his escape

·         Section 52, Cr.P.C deals with mode of search of a ________________?  Woman

·         Under section 46, Cr.P.C ______ of body is sufficient for arrest?  Touching

·         Section 37, Cr.P.C deals with ________ powers of Magistrate?   Additional

·         Court of Magistrate of 1st class can pass______________?  Imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years

·         Schedule III, Cr.P.C deals with_____________?  Various powers of Magistrates

·         Column No. 2, of 2nd Schedule of Cr.P.C shows_____________?  Offence

·         Schedule II, of Cr.P.C has ______ columns?   8

·         Schedule 1, of Cr.P.C was repealed in______________?  1914

·         For restoration of abducted female, the complaint under section 552, Cr.P.C shall be made to the Court of __________/  Addition Session Judge and Session Judge..

·         Section 550, Cr.P.C. empower _________ to seize suspected property?  Police

·         Which provision from the following of Cr.P.C deals with re-examination of witness ?  Section 540, Cr.P.C

·         When a Magistrate want to inspect place of occurrence. He shall make notice to_______________?  Complainant  an Accused

·         Section 530, Cr.P.C deals with irregularities which?  Do not vitiate proceedings

·         “Irregularities” means ?  An act of Court beyond law

·         Under section 528, Cr.P.C_________ Court has power to withdraw cases from one Court to another Court?  Session

·         Section 516A, of Cr.P.C deals with _________ of property in pending trial?  Disposal

·         Under which provision of Cr.P.C from the following a person can deposit money or government promissory notes in court instead of surety bonds ?  513

·         Section 512, Cr.P.C deals with __________ trial?  Absentia trial

·         Report of chemical examine _________ be submitted in Court with out chemical examiner?  Can & Can not

·         Section ________, of Cr.P.C deals with return of commission appointed under Section 503, 506 of Cr.P.C? 507

·         Section 503, Cr.P.C empowers Court of Session and High Court with power to____________?  Issue Commission

·         Section 499 Cr.P.C deals with __________________?  Bonds of accused and sureties

·         Which bail petition needs an affidavit ?  Bail before arrest

·         Section 497(5) deals with_____________?  Cancellation of bail

·         Section 497(2), of Cr.P.C deals with cases of_________________?  Further inquiry

·         Section 497(i), Cr.P.C deals with cases falling within _________ class?    Prohibitory class

·         Bail is a right of accused in ______ cases and grace in ______ cases?   (i) Bailable (ii) non bailable

·         Basic ingredient of Section 497(2), of Cr.P.C to release accused on bail is____________?  Case of further inquiry

·         Section 497 of Cr.P.C deals with bail in cases of  Non bailable offence

·         Section _______, Cr.P.C deals with bail in bailable cases?  496

·         Any Public Prosecutor when with the consent of Court withdraw from prosecution of any person in such condition if charge not framed the accused will be_______________?  Discharged

·         The officer appointed by Provincial Government under section 492, Cr.P.C is called________________?  Public Prosecutor

·         Section 491, Cr.P.C deals with_______________?  Habeas Corpus

·         No party has any right to be heard personally or be pleader before any Court when exercising its power of______________?  Revision

·         The power enjoyed by Court in revision is _________ in nature?   Discretionary power of the Court

·         Section _________, empowers Session Court and High Court to call record of inferior Court?  435 Cr.P.C

·         A person in jail can make his appeal, petition through _____________?  Officer incharge of the jail

·         Appeal in case of acquittal can be made under section_________________?  417, Cr.P.C

·         There is no appeal in __________ cases? Summary trial

·         Appeal from sentence of High Court shall lie to ________?  High Court , Supreme Court

·         Any person who has been ordered by a Magistrate under section 118, to give security for keeping peace or for good behaviour may appeal against such order to____________?  Session Judge

·         Section _______, deals with appeal from order rejecting application for restoration of attached property?  405, Cr.P.C

·         Which provision of Cr.P.C from the following deals with double Jeopardy ?  Section 403, Cr.P.C

·         Section ______ Cr.P.C empower Provincial Government with power of suspension or remission of sentence ?  401, Cr.P.C

·         Where a Court decides to pass a sentence of imprisonment on an accused for an offence it (shall) take into consideration the period if any during which the accused was in custody for such offence as provided in____________?   Section 382-B, Cr.P.C

·         When a sentence of death is passed by a Court of Session it shall be submitted to _________ for confirmation?  High Court

·         The Judgment needs to be delivered in ______________?  Open Court

·         Section _________ stress that evidence shall be taken in presence of accused or, when his personal attendance is dispensed with in the presence of his pleader? 353

·         Under section 345, Cr.P.C offence committed U/S 302 P.P.C. is_____________?  Compoundable

·         Section _______, Cr.P.C empowers Court with power of adjournment of proceedings?  344

·         If the accused admits that he has committed the offence his admission shall be recorded as nearly as possible in the words used by him, and, Magistrate ?  May convict him accordingly

·         Under section ______, accused shall answer the question after completion of prosecution witnesses?  342.

·         Section 340 (2), Cr.P.C deals with evidence of accused?  On oath

·         Section 338, Cr.P.C empowers ___________ to grant or tender pardon at any stage of the case?  High Court , Court of Session

·         As per section 337, sub-section (1A), Cr.P.C every Magistrate who tender, a pardon? Shall record the reason of doing so

·         “Accomplice” means______________?   Participator of an offence

·         Under section _________, Court of Session has power to acquit accused at any stage of the trial?  265 K

·         Section ______, Cr.P.C deals with plea of accused?   265 E

·         Order of acquittal and conviction is passed by Court of Session during trial under section?  265, H

·         Sections_______ to _______ of Cr.P.C deals with summary trial?  260 to 262

·         An order of acquittal under section 249-A is _____________?  Revisionable

·         In case where a previous conviction charged under the provisions of section 221, sub-section (7), and the accused does not admit that he has been previously convicted as alleged in the charge, the Magistrate may, after he has convicted the accused under section 243, or under section 245, sub-section (2), Cr.P.C. ?  Shall take evidence in respect of the alleged previous conviction and, if he does so, shall record the findings

·         If the accused admits that he has committed the offence (with which he is charged) his admission shall be recorded as nearly as possible in the words used by him; and if he shows no sufficient cause why he should not be convicted the Magistrate (may convict) him accordingly as provided in ?   Section 343, Cr.P.C

·         Section ________ to ________ of Cr.P.C. deals with trial of cases before Magistrate?  241 to 250-A

·         Provision of section 241-A of Cr.P.C are __________________?  Discretionary in nature

·         According section 234, three offences of same kind within __________ may be charged together?  One year

·         For every distinct offence of which any person is accused there shall be a separate charge and every such charge shall be tried separately except in the cases mentioned in_______________?  Sections 234, 235 and 239

·         Charge once framed can be altered by Court U/S __________ upon an application?  227, Cr.P.C

·         The charge shall be written in_________________?  Language of the Court or English

·         Under section 205, Cr.P.C Magistrate may dispense personal attendance of____________? Accused

·         Section 194, Cr.P.C is about the cognizance of offences by_____________?  High Court

·         Section 190, Cr.P.C deals with cognizance of offence by_____________?  Magistrate

·         As per section 185, Cr.P.C whenever a question arises as to which of two or more Courts subordinate to the same High Court ought to inquire into or try any offence it shall be decided by the______________?  High Court

·         Every offence shall ordinary be inquired in and tried by________________?  A Court within the local limits of whose jurisdiction it was committed

·         Recording of confession of accused under section 164 on oath is ________ in the eye of law?  Inadmissible

·         During the investigation U/S __________, police officer can summon any person to attend investigation?  175, Cr.P.C

·         Every offence shall be inquired in and tried by a Court with in local limit of whose the offence was _____________?  Committed

·         Column No. 4 of challan form deals with___________?  Accused on bail

·         Column No. 1, of challan form is for______________?  Complainant or informer

·         Under Section _________, Cr.P.C every police officer investigating a case need to record day by day entries in diary?  172

·         Police in case of deficiency of incriminating evidence can release a person ?  Upon his own bond

·         Section 167, empowers Magistrate to send any accused within the custody of police upon request of police for not more than _________ days? 15 days

·         Section 167, Cr.P.C, bars that the accused shall not be kept out of the prison while in custody of the police between?  Sunset and sunrise

·         An accused person can be detained in custody of police upon order of______________?  The Magistrate

·         Upon statement recorded by Magistrate under section 164 needs to be given opportunity of cross examination to?  Accused

·         Section 164, of Cr.P.C deals with recording of statement before____________?  Magistrate of 1st and 2nd class

·         The evidence recorded under section 161, by police officer is __________ type of evidence?  Corroborative

·         During process of investigation police officer records statement of witness under Section ___________________?  161, Cr.P.C

·         Section ________ of Cr.P.C provides procedure for submission of report under section 157 of Cr.P.C?  158

·         Section 156-B of Cr.P.C deals with investigation against a women accused of the offence of ____________?  Zina

·         Under section 156, Cr.P.C an officer incharge of a police station can investigate any cognizable offence without order of______________?  Concerned Magistrate

·         First Information Report is ___________ piece of evidence?   Corroborative

·         First information report can be lodged by Officer in charge of Police Station at the information of____________?  Any person

·         An F.I.R. has ___________ columns? 6

·         Section ___________ deals with information of cognizable offences?  154, Cr.P.C

·         Section __________, of Cr.P.C. empowers a police-officer to arrest any person without warrant, or order from a Magistrate who have any design to commit any cognizable offence ?  151

·         As under section 146, Cr.P.C order of attachment can be passed by the ?        The Magistrate of 1st Class

·         Under Section 149, every police officer may interpose for the purpose of preventing and shall, to the best of his ability prevent the commission of any _________ offence?  Cognizable

·         Section 145, Cr.P.C deals with dispute regarding_______________?  Immovable property

·         Under Section 143, A Magistrate of 1st Class may order any person not to repeat or continue, a public nuisance as defined in___________?  Pakistan Penal Code or any special or local law

·         A conditional order for removal of public unisances can be made by a Magistrate____________?  Of 1st Class

·         Which one from the following officers of Army can disperse unlawful assembly_____________?  Any Commissioned Officer

·         Section 127, Cr.P.C deals with disperse of unlawful assembly on command of_____________?  Magistrate or police officer

·         Section _________, deals with security for good behavior from habitual offenders?   110 Cr.P.C

·         Under section _________ any Magistrte may direct a search to be made in his presence of any place for the search of which he is competent to issue a search warrant?  105 Cr.P.C

·         Period of limitation prescribed  in section 89, Cr.P.C. for filing application for release of attached property is _________ years from the date of attachment? 2 years

·         Section _________, Cr.P.C deals with attachment of property of proclaimed person? 88

·         A warrant directed to any police-officer may also be executed by any other police-officer whose name is endorsed upon the warrant by the officer to whom it is directed or endorsed as provided in section __________ Cr.P.C?  79

·         Warrant issued by Court under Section 75, Cr.P.C must be ________________?  In writing

·         Section 69, Cr.P.C deals with________________?  Delivery of summons

·         If any offence has been committed in presence of Magistrate such Magistrate can arrest the offender himself or can order to______________?  Any person to arrest the offender

·         It is provided in section _________, Cr.P.C that no person who has been arrested by police officer shall be discharged except on his own bond or on bail or under special order of Magistrate?  63

·         A police-officer making an arrest without warrant shall without unnecessary delay take or send the person arrested before?  Magistrate having jurisdiction and Before Officer in charge of the Police Station

·         A police-officer may, for the purpose of arresting without warrant any person whom he is authorized to arrest peruse such person into any place in Pakistan as empowered by section __________ of Cr.P.C?  58

·         Whenever it is necessary to cause a woman to be searched the search shall be made by___________?  Women police-constable

·         Police-officer under section _______ may arrest any person without warrant who has been concerned in any cognizable offence?  54 of Cr.P.C

·         Section __________ Cr.P.C empowers police-officer to break, open door and windows for the purpose of liberation of any person?  49

·         Section 42, Cr.P.C bounds _________ to assist Magistrate or police-officer?  Public

·         Additional Session Judge enjoys ________ powers with Session Judge ?   Equal

·         The Court of Magistrate of 2nd class, can pass______________?   Imprisonment not exceeding one year

·         Justice of Peace appointed under section 22, Cr.P.C by the Provincial Government enjoys his powers as_________________?  Administrative Power

·         Section 15, empowers ___________ to pass direction for formation of Benches of Magistrates?   Provincial Government

·         Section, 14, Cr.P.C deals with appointment of_________________?  Special Magistrate

·         ________ is the presiding Court of a district ?  Session Court

·         According to Cr.P.C Criminal Courts has ___________ classes?  2

·         The term “Police Station” is defined in sub-section _________ of section 4?  (s)

·         According to section 4(m) Cr.P.C the proceeding in the course of which evidence is or may be legally taken on oath is called______________?   Judicial proceeding

·         According to section 4(k), Cr.P.C inquiry means a proceeding conducted by______________?  Magistrate

·         The allegation made orally or in writing to a Magistrate with a view to take action under Code of Criminal Procedure regarding an offence is called__________? Complaint

·         An offence in which a police-officer may in accordance with the 2nd schedule or under any law for the time being in force arrest without warrant is called______________?  Cognizable offence

·         The Code of Criminal Procedure was enforced on the first day of_______________?  July, 1898

·         The Cr.P.C 1898 is a ___________ law?  Procedural

·         The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 contains ___________ sections?   565

·         The Court of Magistrate of 3rd class, can pass________________?  Imprisonment not exceeding one month

·         A magistrate appointed by Provincial Government under section 30, Cr.P.C enjoys all powers except_____________?      Offences punishable with death

·         A judge appointed under section 22, Cr.P.C is called_______________?  Justice of Peace

·         Section 15 of Cr.P.C deals with_______________?  Benches of Magistrates

·         Section 9, Cr,P.C. empowers ______ with power of establishment of Court of Session Judge and Assistant Session Judges?   Provincial Government

·         Public prosecutor means a person conducting prosecution on behalf of the_______________?  State

·         ___________ is the Head Court of Criminal Proceeding at Provincial level ?  High Court

·         An act or omission made punishable by any law for the time being in force is called an____________?  Offence

·         The object of Cr.P.C is_______________?  To facilitate administration of justice

·         The Cr.P.C 1898 contains _________ Schedules?  5

·         According to section 4(I) Cr.P.C investigation means a proceeding conducted by________________?  Police

·         Section 4(k), Cr.P.C defines __________?  Inquiry

·         Non cognizable offence is an offence in which a police-officer cannot arrest any person without_______________?  Warrant

·         An offence in which bail cannot be granted to an accused as of right are called_______________?  Non bailable offence

·         The Cr.P.C divides offences in __________ kinds?  2

·         The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 was passed or enacted on_____________?  22nd March, 1898

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