Constitution Of Pakistan 1962 LAW GAT & LAT 2023

Constitution Of Pakistan 1962

Ø  Constitution of 1962 declared ___________________ as Capital of the country?   Islamabad

Ø  As per Constitution of 1962 retiring age of High Court Judge was _________________?   Sixty years

Ø  Constitution of 1962, provided ______ _______ Legislature?  Uni Cameral

Ø  According to Constitution of 1962 _____________ was the Chief Executive of the Country?   President

Ø  In initial name of the Country in 1962 Constitution was held__________________?  Republic of Pakistan

Ø  Total strength of Members of National Assembly according to Constitution of 1962, was________________?  218 members

Ø  The Constitution of 1962, held ___________ religion for Speaker of National Assembly?  No restriction upon

Ø  Article ___________ , of the Constitution of 1962, empowered President with power of dissolution of National Assembly ?  23

Ø  According to Constitution of 1962, President was elected through___________________?  . Electoral College

Ø  Constitution of 1962, provided _______________ election for President?   Indirect

Ø  Constitution of 1962 was consisting_______________________?  250 Articles, and 10 parts

Ø  By Article 226 of the Constitution of 1962 Field Marshal Ayub Khan was become the First ___________ of Pakistan?  President

Ø  The Constitution of 1962 is also famous as________________?  One man show

Ø  Constitution of 1962, was abrogated on________________?  March, 1969

Ø  Constitution of 1962 was abrogated by______________?  General Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan

Ø  Constitution of 1962 remained for __________________?  Seven years

Ø  Constitution of 1962 was replaced by___________________?  Provisional Constitution Order of 1969

Ø  Article 29 of the Constitution of 1962 empowered President in absence of National Assembly to promulgate an ____________ with the same powers and force as an Act of the Legislature?  Ordinance

Ø  According to Constitution of 1962, __________ was given to provinces?  Provincial autonomy

Ø  As per Constitution of 1962, ___________ were held National Languages?  Urdu & Bengali

Ø  As per Constitution of 1962 age limit for Judge of Supreme Court was______________?  Sixty five years

Ø  According to Constitution of 1962, ____________ was the highest Court of the country?  Supreme Court

Ø  Term and Tenure of President Office in Constitution of 1962, was __________________?  5 years

Ø  Through an amendment in ____________ 1962, name of the State was declared Islamic Republic of Pakistan instead of Republic of Pakistan ?  December

Ø  According to Constitution of 1962, Provincial Assemblies were consisting ____________ members?   218

Ø  The Constitution of 1962, provided Federation consisting center and _________________ provinces?  2

Ø  Under Article 13 of the Constitution of 1962 ____________ can be impeached? President

Ø  According to Constitution of 1962, minimum age limit for President-ship was______________?  35 years

Ø  According to Constitution of 1962, age limit to cast vote was ___________________?   21 years

Ø  Constitution of 1962, provided ___________ form of government ?  Presidential

Ø  Constitution, of 1962 was made on________________?  28 February, 1962

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