Everyday Science One-line 2023
Everyday Science One-line 2023. Here
you will find the General Science Multiple Choice Questions One-line 2023
are from Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Atmospheric Studies. Everyday
Science Online One-line 2023 Preparation Practice Questions. All Important Abbreviations
related to Everyday Science in One-line 2023. General Science One-line2023 and
Scientific facts One-line2023. Everyday Science One-line 2023 with Answers.
- A pulsar is actually a___________? Neutron star
- which of the following planets has no moons ? Venus
- The first and largest asteroid discovered was__________? Ceres
- The mean distance of the earth from the sun is astronomical units is____________? 1 AU
- Which Civilization developed & implemented the first solar calendar? Egyptian
- The nearest Star to the planet earth is ________ ? Sun
- The scientific study of spiders is called __________ ? Arachnology
- The Scientific Study of Caves are know as _________ ? Speleology
- Scientific study of the Algae is known as ___________? Phycology
- which of the following is the most severe storm? Tornado
- Lignite, bituminous & anthracite are different rank of _________ ? Coal
- First controlled fission of an atom was carried out in ________ on 1938. Germany
- Short sightedness is due to__________? Elongation of eyeballs
- Underground water and the water on the earth’s surface is called ? Hydrosphere
- Which planet is losing its atmosphere at faster than the earth? Mars
- SONAR is based on the principle of___________? Echo
- The Doppler’s effect is applicable for_________? light waves only & sound waves only
- Which of the following is not a fat soluble vitamin? Vitamin B complex
- What is total area of the earth? 510.94 million km²
- The color of blood is red due to __________? Hemoglobin
- The difference in the duration of day and night increases as one moves from:_________? Equator to poles
- Speed of object in one direction is called___? Velocity
- Instrument of rain gauge is _________? Ombrometer
- How many moons does Saturn have? 82
- There are ______types of respiration takes place in frog. 3
- Father of Homeopathy is__________? Samuel Hahnemann
- Mycology is a study of_______? Fungi
- As you go down into a well, your weight__________? Slightly decreases
- Development of calf muscles in ladies who wear high heels is a common example of: inheritance of acquired character
- Of the six noble gases in the periodic table, which is the lightest? Helium