Pakistan Constitution 1973 LAW GAT LAT 2023

Pakistan Constitution 1973

  • Ø  Who becomes the acting President , once the Presidential seat gets vacant in Pakistan? Chairman of Senate
  • Ø  Under the constitution of 1973, part VIII, chapter 2, if a govt’s tenure completes, election should be held within? 60 days
  • Ø  Under the constitution of 1973, part III, chapter 2, if a govt dissolves, election should be held within ?              90 days
  • Ø  “Commission” means the Election Commission of Pakistan constituted under ______________?   Article 218
  • Ø  Which article of the constitution of Pakistan 1973 deals with protection of minorities ?   Article 36
  • Ø  Article 18 of constitution of 1973 deals with_____________?  Freedom of trade
  • Ø  A general election to the National Assembly or a provincial Assembly shall be held within a period of ______days:  60
  • Ø  Which article of the constitution of Pakistan 1973 deals with High treason?  Article 6
  • Ø  Who became acting election commissioner in the absence of chief of election commission of Pakistan?  Senior member of ECP
  • Ø  Which article of the constitution of Pakistan 1973 deals with Elections by secret ballot? Article 226
  • Ø  Article 25(A) of constitution of 1973 deals with______________? Right to education 
  • Ø  Election Commission of Pakistan was established on:_________?  23 March 1956
  • Ø  The Chief Election Commissioner of Pakistan may resign his office by writing under his hand addressed to the _________:  President of Pakistan
  • Ø  Which article of the Constitution from the following deals with Chief Election Commissioner________________?  213
  • Ø  Urdu is declared the Official language of Pakistan under which article of Constitution of Pakistan 1973?  251
  • Ø  Islam is declared as a state religion under which article of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973  ?  Article: 2
  • Ø  Article 149 of the Constitution of Pakistan: What it says about federal government’s Powers?  Directions to Provinces in certain cases
  • Ø  Twentieth Amendment of Constitution of 1973 amended ___________ and ___________ schedule?  2nd and 3rd
  • Ø  Twentieth Amendment of Constitution of 1973 amended _____________ Articles?  7
  • Ø  Nineteenth Amendment of Constitution of 1973 amended __________ Articles?  6
  • Ø  Due to 18th amendment power of President to dissolve National Assembly under Article __________ was diminished?  58(2)(b)
  • Ø  Name of the N.W.F.P was substituted Khyber Pakhtunkhwa through_________________? 18th Amendment
  • Ø  Articles were substituted through Eighteenth Amendment? 20
  • Ø  Constitution Eighteenth Amendment was published in Official Gazette on____________________?  20th April, 2011
  • Ø  18th Constitutional Amendment Act was passed on__________________?  19th April, 2010
  • Ø  It was provided through ______ Amendment in the Constitution Article 58, after clause (2) the following new c lause shall be added, namely (3) the President in case of dissolution of the National Assembly under paragraph (b) of clause (2) shall, within fifteen days of the dissolution, refer the matter to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court shall decide the reference within thirty days whose decision shall be final?  17th
  • Ø  Constitution Sixteenth Amendment amended __________ Articles?  1(27)
  • Ø  Constitution Sixteenth Amendment Act was enacted on_____?  3rd August, 1999
  • Ø  Constitution Fifteenth amendment bill was passed by National Assembly on_________________?  15th October, 1998
  • Ø  Constitutional Fourteenth Amendment was published in official Gazette on ________________?  4th July, 1997
  • Ø  Through __________ Amendment new Article 63A (Disqualification on ground of defection) was added ?  Fourteenth
  • Ø  Constitution of 1973 was amended by the Thirteenth Amendment on___________________?   3rd April, 1997
  • Ø  Constitution Twelfths Amendment was enacted on____________________? 27th July, 1991
  • Ø  Tenth Amendment of the Constitution amended ____________ Articles?  2
  • Ø  Constitution tenth Amendment was enacted on ___________________?  25th March, 1987
  • Ø  In Eighth Amendment through Article __________ President was empowered with power of dissolution of National Assembly ?  Article 58
  • Ø  Constitution 8th Amendment Act was published in Official Gazette on___?   11th November, 1985
  • Ø  __________ Articles were amended by Seventh Amendment Act of the Constitution of 1973 ?  2
  • Ø  Constitution of 1973 was amended 7th time on_________________?  16th May, 1977
  • Ø  Sixth amendment was published in official Gazette on_______________?  4th January, 1977
  • Ø  Fifth Amendment of the Constitution of 1973 affected ___________ Articles?  16
  • Ø  Constitution of 1973 was amended fourth time on______________?  21st November, 1975
  • Ø  Constitution of Pakistan was amended third time on______________?  13th February, 1975
  • Ø  The Constitution of  Pakistan 2nd Amendment was made on_______________? 17th September, 1974
  • Ø  Constitution of Pakistan 1973 was first time amended on________________? 4th May, 1974
  • Ø  Oath for the office of President is provided in ___________ Schedule?  3rd
  • Ø  First Schedule of the Constitution of 1973 is consisting ___________ parts?  2
  • Ø  ___________ can Proclaim emergency on account of war or internal disturbance, etc under Article 232 of the Constitution ?  President
  • Ø  For the purpose of the Constitution period of time shall be reckoned according to ___________ calendar?  Gregorian
  • Ø  Urdu is National Language of Pakistan as provided in Article _____________ of the Constitution?  251
  • Ø  No private organization capable of functioning as a military organization shall be formed and any such organization shall be illegal as provided in Article ___________ of the Constitution ? 256
  • Ø  Which Articles of the Constitution deals with formation of Public Service Commission ?  242
  • Ø  Article __________ of the Constitution deals with amendment of Constitution ? 238
  • Ø  The Islamic Council shall consist of minimum ____________ members ?  8
  • Ø  Under Article 226 all elections under the Constitution, other than those of the Prime Minister and the Chief Minister, shall be ___________ ballot?  Secret
  • Ø  Article 218 of the Constitution deals with______________?   Election Commission
  • Ø  A person appointed as Chief Election Commissioner shall held office for a term of_______________?   Five years
  • Ø  Who may be appointed as Election Commissioner ?  Any retired Judge of Supreme Court or High Court
  • Ø  Article __________ of the Constitution deals with formation of administrative Courts and Tribunals ?  212
  • Ø  Supreme Judicial Council formed under Article 209 of the Constitution consist _____________ members?  5
  • Ø  Article 203DD of the Constitution provides ___________ power to Federal Shariat Court ? Revisional
  • Ø  Article __________ of the Constitution of 1973 deals with Constitution of High Court ?  192
  • Ø  If a Judge is found guilty of misconduct his matter will be proceeded by________________?  Supreme Judicial Council
  • Ø  Article 204 of the Constitution of 1973 deals with contempt of ______________?  High Court & Supreme Court
  • Ø  Article 203D of the Constitution deals with____________________? Powers, jurisdiction and functions of Federal Shariat Court
  • Ø  Chief Justice of Federal Shariat Court shall hold office for a period not exceeding_______________?  3 years
  • Ø  Federal Shariat Court shall consists of not more than ___________ Muslim Judges?  8
  • Ø  Constitutional Jurisdiction of High Court ___________ when adequate remedy is available?  Cannot be invoked
  • Ø  A High Court may make an order requiring a person within the territorial jurisdiction of the court holding or purporting to hold a public office to show under what authority of law the claims to hold that office is called writ of_______________?  Quo-Warranto
  • Ø  Article __________ of the Constitution of 1973 deals with power of review of Supreme Court ? 188
  • Ø  Article ____________ of the Constitution 1973 deals with appellate jurisdiction of Supreme Court ?                 185
  • Ø  Article 182 of the Constitution of 1973 deals with appointment of___________________? Ad hoc Judges of Supreme Court
  • Ø  Before entering upon office the Chief Justice of Pakistan shall make oath before the ____________________?  President
  • Ø  The Chief Justice of Pakistan shall be appointed by the __________________?  President
  • Ø  Article _________, declare Federal Government owner of all lands, minerals and other things of the value within the continental shelf or underlying the ocean beyond the territorial waters of Pakistan ?  172
  • Ø  The National Economic Council shall consist _____________ members? 12
  • Ø  The Council of Common interests consist of ____________ members? 7
  • Ø  Article _________ of the Constitution of 1973 empowers Federation to acquire land for Federal purpose ? 152
  • Ø  Articles __________ to ___________ of the Constitution of 1973 dals with distribution of legislative powers ?  141 to 144
  • Ø  To became Advocate-General the person must be qualified to be______________?  Appointed a Judge of High Court
  • Ø  Article ___________ , of the Constitution of 1973 deals with appointment of Advocate General ?  140
  • Ø  Article ____________ of the Constitution of 1973 empowers Provincial Assembly to pass vote of no confidence against Chief-Minister ?  136
  • Ø  ______________ is Chief executive of the Province ?   Chief Minister
  • Ø  Article 113 of the Constitution deals with qualification and disqualifications for________________?  Membership of Provincial Assembly
  • Ø  Article ___________ of the Constitution of 1973 deals with Constitution of Provincial Assemblies ?  106
  • Ø  Before entering upon office the Governor shall make oath before_______________________? Chief Justice of concerned High Court
  • Ø  To become an Attorney General of Pakistan the person must have qualification__________________?  To be appointed a Judge of Supreme Court
  • Ø  The President shall appoint a person being a person qualified to be appointed as a Judge of Supreme Court to be the __________ under Article 100 of the Constitution of 1973?  Attorney General for Pakistan
  • Ø  Article 95 of the Constitution deals with vote of no confidence against_________________?  Prime Minister
  • Ø  According to Article 93 of the Constitution the President can appoint ____________ advisors on advice of Prime Minister?  5
  • Ø  _______________is the head of the Cabinet ? Prime Minister
  • Ø  Formation of cabinet is provided in_________________? Article 91
  • Ø  Article 62 of the Constitution of 1973 deals with qualification of__________________? Membership for Parliament
  • Ø  A bill can be pass by ____________ in both houses of the Parliament ?  2/3 majority of total membership
  • Ø  It is restricted in Article ___________ of Constitution that no discussion shall take place in Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) with respect to the conduct of any Judge of Supreme Court and a High Court in the discharge of his duties ?  Article 68
  • Ø  The Presiding Officer of the Senate is called________________?  Chairman
  • Ø  Disqualification on grounds of defection of Members of Parliament is provided in Article ____________ of The Constitution?  63A
  • Ø  Article 63 of the Constitution of 1973 deals with disqualification of____________________?  Members of National Assembly & Senate members
  • Ø  The system of election adopted for Senate in Constitution of 1973 is called ________________________?  Proportional representation
  • Ø  Each province have ______________ seats in the Senate?  14
  • Ø  Constitution of 1973 provides ____________ elections for President ? Indirect
  • Ø  Under Article 58, the President shall dissolve the National Assembly at advice of_________________?  Prime Minister
  • Ø  Minimum age for membership of National Assembly is__________________?  25 years
  • Ø  Federal Capital area has ____________ seats in National Assembly?  2
  • Ø  Total strength of National Assembly members is________________?  342
  • Ø  Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has ______________ General Seats in National Assembly? 40
  • Ø  Duration of National Assembly is 5 years, as provided in Article ______________________? 52
  • Ø  Lower House of Pakistan Parliament is called _________________? National Assembly
  • Ø  Article 49 of the Constitution of 1973 empowers _____________ to perform functions of President in absence of the President? Chairman of Senate
  • Ø  Article ___________ of the Constitution of 1973 deals with removal or impeachment of President? 47
  • Ø  President is empowered by Article ___________ of the Constitution to grant pardon, reprieve, and respite and to remit, suspend or commute any sentence ? 45
  • Ø  In Constitution of 1973 minimum age limit for President is held __? 45 years
  • Ø  The State shall safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of minorities including their due representation in Federal and Provincial Services is provided by Article _____________ of the Constitution 1973? 36
  • Ø  State is responsible for the protection of family, marriage, mother and child as provided in________________? Article 35, of the Constitution
  • Ø  Right to information is provided in _____________ of the Constitution of 1973 ?  Article 19-A
  • Ø  Article __________ of the Constitution, 1973 provided safeguard against taxation for the purpose any particular religion ?  21
  • Ø  Article 18 of the Constitution, 1973 deals with _______________? Freedom of trade & Freedom of business or profession
  • Ø  Freedom of assembly is provided in Article __________ of the Constitution of 1973?  16
  • Ø  No person shall be subjected to torture for the purpose of extracting evidence is provided in Article ____________, of the Constitution 1973 ? 14(2)
  • Ø  Article 12 of the Constitution of 1973 provided protection against ? Retrospective punishment
  • Ø  Right to fair trial is __________ right of every citizen of Pakistan ? Fundamental
  • Ø  Safeguards as to arrest and detention is provided in ___________ of the Constitution? Article 10
  • Ø  Articles _________ to __________ of the Constitution deals with Fundamental Rights ?  8 to 28
  • Ø  Article 8 Constitution of 1973 describe any law inconsistent with or in derogation of Fundamental rights ? To be void
  • Ø  Definition of the State is provided in Article __________ of the Constitution of 1973?  7
  • Ø  Any person who abrogates or subverts or suspends or held in abeyance, or attempts or conspires to abrogate or suspend or held in abeyance, the Constitution by use of force or show of force or by any other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of_______________? High treason
  • Ø  The basic duty of every citizen of Pakistan is that_________________?  He must be loyalty to Pakistan
  • Ø  Islam to be the State religion of Pakistan as provided in __________ of the Constitution of 1973 ?  Article 2
  • Ø  The Constitution of 1973 declared Pakistan as_________________?   Islamic Republic of Pakistan
  • Ø  Objectives Resolution demanded that Pakistan__________________?  Shall play its positive role for international community & Play model role for Muslim Countries
  • Ø  According to Objectives Resolution minorities shall be made________________? Free to serve their lives according to their own religion
  • Ø  Objectives Resolution provided that the State shall exercise its powers and authority through _____________________?  Elected representatives of peoples
  • Ø  According to Objectives Resolution sovereignty over the entire Universe belongs to________________?  Almighty Allah
  • Ø  Constitution of 1973 consist ___________________? 7 schedules
  • Ø  The Constitution of 1973 came into force on_________________? 14th August, 1973
  • Ø  In Constitution 2nd Schedule through Twentieth Amendment the words ‘Chief Election Commissioner’ were substituted by the words ?  Election Commission of Pakistan
  • Ø  Twentieth Amendment of Constitution of 1973 inserted Article ___?  224A
  • Ø  Constitution Twentieth Amendment Act was passed on_________? 28th February, 2012
  • Ø  Nineteenth Amendment was assented to by the President on______? January 1 2011
  • Ø  Right to Fair trial is granted by Article 10A, of the Constitution of 1973 which was added by __________ amendment?  18th
  • Ø  Eighteenth Constitution Amendment amended ____________ Schedules? 4
  • Ø  Constitutional 18th amendment ___________ Articles of the Constitution of 1973 were amended ? 69
  • Ø  L.F.O. is the abbreviation of________________________? Legal Framework Order
  • Ø  Constitution Seventeenth Amendment Act was passed on________________? 31st December, 2003
  • Ø  Constitution Fifteenth amendment bill could not be passed due to_________________? Dissolution of National Assembly
  • Ø  Constitutional Fourteenth Amendment added ___________ new Articles in the Constitution?  1
  • Ø  Constitution Fourteenth amendment was enacted on________________? 3rd July, 1997
  • Ø  Through _________ Amendment on 3rd April, 1997 sub-clause (b) of clause (2) of Article 58 was omitted? 13th
  • Ø  Constitution Twelfths Amendment was published in official Gazette on_? 28th July, 1991
  • Ø  Constitution Tenth Amendment was published in official Gazette on_________________? 29th March, 1987
  • Ø  Constitution Ninth Amendment Bill 1986 was lapsed due to__________________?  Dissolution of National Assembly
  • Ø  __________ Articles of the Constitution were amended through Eighth Constitution Amendment ? 17
  • Ø  Eighth Amendment was enacted on_________________? 9th November, 1985
  • Ø  Seventh Amendment was published in Official Gazette on ___________________? 16th May, 1977
  • Ø  ____________ of the Constitution of 1973 were amended through Sixth Amendment ? 4 Articles
  • Ø  Constitution of 1973 was amended sixth time on_________________? 31st December, 1976
  • Ø  Constitution of 1973 was amended fifth time on________________? 13th September, 1976
  • Ø  ___________ Articles were amended through 2nd Amendment of the Constitution ? 2 Articles (106, 260)
  • Ø  Through First Amendment _____________ Articles of the Constitutions were amended ? 16
  • Ø  ____________ of the Constitution deals with remuneration and terms and conditions of service of Judges ? 5th Schedule
  • Ø  ____________ Schedule of the Constitution deals with Legislative lists ? 4th
  • Ø  2nd Schedule of the Constitution provide election procedure for ____________________? President
  • Ø  A bill passed by the Parliament (both houses) and assented by the President is called _____________? An Act
  • Ø  No citizen of Pakistan shall accept any title, honor or decoration from any foreign State except with the approval of the ? Federal Government
  • Ø  Which Article of the Constitution from the following deals with immuity of President from any criminal proceedings ? Article 248
  • Ø  Constitution can be amended by __________ majority in both Houses of the Parliament ?  2/3 majority
  • Ø  The President has power to issue proclamation in case of failure of constitutional machinery in a Province as provided in Article ____________ of The Constitution of Pakistan? 234
  • Ø  Function of Islamic Council are provided in__________________? Article 230 of the Constitution of 1973
  • Ø  Article _________ of the Constitution deals with composition of Islamic Council ? 228
  • Ø  Articles ________ to _________ of the Constitution of 1973 deals with Electoral laws and conduct of elections ? 222 to 226
  • Ø  Can any person can hold membership of 2 houses at the same time ? No
  • Ø  Chief Election Commissioner before entering office shall make oath before_________________?  Chief Justice of Pakistan
  • Ø  Supreme Judicial Council consists________? Chief Justice of Pakistan and two next most Senior Judges of the Supreme Court & The two most Senior Chief Justices of High Courts
  • Ø  Article __________ of the Constitution deals with formation of Supreme Judicial Council ? 209
  • Ø  A Judge of Supreme Court or High Court may resign from his office by writing under his hand addressed to the ___________________ ?  President
  • Ø  Under Article 203F of the Constitution appeal can be made to Supreme Court against the decision of_________________?  Federal Shariat Court
  • Ø  Article 203E of the Constitution deals with ____________________?           Power and Procedure of Federal Shariat Court
  • Ø  Before entering into office Chief Justice of Federal Shariat Court shall make oath before________________? President
  • Ø  The principal seat of Federal Shariat Court shall be at____________________?   Islamabad
  • Ø  Articles 203 A to 203 J of the Constitution deals with___________________?  Federal Shariat Court
  • Ø  Article 199(1)(b)(i) deals with writ of____________________? Habeas corpus
  • Ø  High Court may make an order directing a person performing within territorial jurisdiction of the Court functions in connection with the affairs of the Federation, a Province or a local authority to refrain from doing any thing he is not permitted by law to do, the writ will be called ____________?  Writ of Prohibition
  • Ø  Retiring age of High Court Judge is__________________?  62 years
  • Ø  Under Article ___________, all executive and judicial authorities throughout Pakistan shall act in aid of the Supreme Court ? 190
  • Ø  If President desires to obtain opinion of Supreme Court about any question of law Supreme Courts consider this will be called ____________ of Supreme Court?  Advisory Jurisdiction
  • Ø  Article ___________, of the Constitution deals with Original Jurisdiction of Supreme Court ?   Article 184
  • Ø  Article 175A, provided ___________ for appointment of Judges of Supreme Court, High Courts and Federal Shariat Court? Judicial Commission
  • Ø  A Judge of Supreme Court hold office until he attains the age of_________________?  65 years
  • Ø  Article ___________, of the Constitution of 1973 deals with constitution of Supreme Court  ?   176
  • Ø  Article 160 of the Constitution of 1973 deals with _______________?  National Finance Commission
  • Ø  The President under Article ___________ of the Constitution shall constitute National Economic Council?  156
  • Ø  The Council formed under Article 153 of the Constitution of 1973 is known as_________________?  Council of Common Interests
  • Ø  Administrative relations between Federation and Provinces are dealt by Articles _________ to _________ of The Constitution?  145 to 152
  • Ø  It shall be the duty of the __________ to give advice to Provincial Government upon legal matters and to perform other duties of legal character  ? Advocate-General
  • Ø  Advocate-General is appointed by the ______________ ? Governor
  • Ø  To move a resolution for vote of no confidence against Chief Minister Provincial Assembly will need support of ____________ of total membership? 20%
  • Ø  ___________ is head of the Province ?  Governor
  • Ø  Governor of Province have power to promulgate Ordinances under_______________?   Article 128
  • Ø  Governor has power to dissolve Provincial Assembly as provided by Article 112 at advise of __________?  Chief Minister
  • Ø  In absence of Governor of Province ____________ will perform Governors functions? Speaker of the Provincial Assembly
  • Ø  Minimum age limit for appointment of a person as Governor under Article 101 of the Constitution of 1973 ? 35 years and above
  • Ø  Under Article 101 of the Constitution of 1973 President appoint a ____________ on the advice of Prime Minister? Governor
  • Ø  A resolution for vote of no confidence needs to be moved by not less than ____________ % members of National Assembly against the Prime-Minister?  20%
  • Ø  Article 95 of the Constitution deals with________________?  Vote of no confidence
  • Ø  Before entering upon office a Federal Minister or Minister of State the Minister shall make oath before______________?  President
  • Ø  Under Article 90 of the Constitution of 1973 the executive authority of the Federation shall be exercised in the name of President by ?  The President
  • Ø  Article 89 of the Constitution of 1973 empowers ____________ to promulgate Ordinances?  President
  • Ø  According the Constitution of 1973 money bill can only be introduced in ____________________?  National Assembly
  • Ø  Article _________ of the Constitution of 1973 describes procedure for introduction and passing of bills in Parliament?  Article 70
  • Ø  Minimum age for candidate of Senate is_______________?  30 years
  • Ø  Article 66 of the Constitution deals with privileges of ____________________?  Members of Parliament
  • Ø  A person who holds dual citizenship is disqualified for membership of Parliament as provided in_____________? Article 63(1)(c)
  • Ø  A person shall not be qualified to be elected or chosen a member of Parliament unless he fulfill the qualification according to Article __________, of the Constitution of 1973?  62
  • Ø  There are _________ seats for non Muslims in the Senate of Pakistan ?  4
  • Ø  There are ___________ seats for technocrats in the Senate ? 4
  • Ø  Under Article __________ of the Constitution the Senate shall consist 104 members? Article 59
  • Ø  National Assembly is presided by _______________________? Speaker
  • Ø  The Constitution of 1973 provided election for National Assembly ? Direct
  • Ø  FATA has ___________ seats for women in National Assembly ? 0
  • Ø  Seats reserved for women from Sindh in National Assembly are_______________? 14
  • Ø  Punjab has __________ total Seats in National Assembly?  183
  • Ø  Balochistan has __________ total Seats in National Assembly? 17
  • Ø  __________ is Upper House of Parliament?  Senate
  • Ø  Constitution of 1973 provide ___________ kind of Parliament?  Bi cameral
  • Ø  Article 48 of the Constitution of 1973 bounds the President to act upon advice of_____________? Cabinet &  Prime Minister
  • Ø  President can be removed from his office by the Parliament on ground of physical or mental incapacity or misconduct through ? Process of impeachment
  • Ø  Before entering upon office under Article ____________, the president shall make oath before the Chief Justice of Pakistan? 42
  • Ø  Article ___________, of the Constitution, deals with Promotion of social justice and eradication of social evils ? 37
  • Ø  According to 1973 Constitution _________ is head of the State? President
  • Ø  According to Article __________ of the Constitution, all citizen are equal before law? 25
  • Ø  Protection of property rights is ensured in Article __________ of The Constitution of 1973? 24-A
  • Ø  Every citizen shall have the right to have access to information in all matters of public importance subject to regulation and reasonable restrictions imposed by law is provided in Article ________, of The Constitution of 1973? 19A
  • Ø  Freedom of ___________ is provided in Article 17 of the Constitution of 1973? Association
  • Ø  Article 15, of the Constitution of 1973 provided freedom of______________? Movement
  • Ø  Article 13 of the Constitution protects from__________________? Double punishment
  • Ø  Slavery, forced labour, etc. are prohibited in Article __________, of the Constitution of 1973? 11
  • Ø  Article 10-A of the Constitution deals with_________________? Right to fair trial
  • Ø  Any right which has been provided by the Constitution of 1973 is called________________? Fundamental right
  • Ø  No person shall be deprived of life or liberty save in accordance with law as provided in_________________? Article 9 of the Constitution of 1973
  • Ø  Articles __________ to ____________ of The Constitution of 1973 are providing Principles of Policy? 29 to 40
  • Ø  As per Article 6(3) ___________ is empowered to provide punishment of persons found guilty of high treason? Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)
  • Ø  Loyalty to state and obedience to Constitution and law is basic duty of every citizen of Pakistan and it is provided in_____________?  Article 5 of the Constitution
  • Ø  According to Article 2A Objectives Resolution is ________ Part of the Constitution? Substantive
  • Ø  As per Article 1 of the Constitution territories of Pakistan shall comprise________________? The Province of Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab Sindh, Federal Capital and FA
  • Ø  Objectives Resolution was set as ___________ in 1973 Constitution? Preamble
  • Ø  According to Objectives Resolution independence of the judiciary shall be______________? Fully secured
  • Ø  Objectives Resolution stress that the Muslims of Pakistan shall enable to order their lives _________________? As per teachings of Islam
  • Ø  According to Objectives Resolution authority enjoyed by the peoples of Pakistan within limits prescribed by Almighty Allah as sacred _________________? Trust
  • Ø  Objectives Resolution was passed on____________? March, 1949
  • Ø  Constitution of 1973 consist_________________? 280 Articles
  • Ø  Constitution of 1973 was authenticated and published in the official Gazette on________________? 12th April, 1973

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