Everyday Science One-line 2024

Everyday Science One-line 2024

Everyday Science One-line 2024. Here you will find the General Science Multiple Choice Questions One-line 2024 are from Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Atmospheric Studies. Everyday Science Online One-line 2024 Preparation Practice Questions. All Important Abbreviations related to Everyday Science in One-line 2024. General Science One-line2024 and Scientific facts One-line2024. Everyday Science One-line 2024 with Answers.

  • LPG consists mainly of : ___________?  Methane,Butane & Propane
  • Liquefied Petroleum Gas or LPG consists mainly of methane, propane, propylene, butane, and butylene in various mixtures. It is produced as a by-product of natural gas processing and petroleum refining. The components of LPG are gases at normal temperatures and pressures.
  • What is the 2nd closest galaxy to the Milky Way?  Triangulum
  • The Triangulum galaxy, named for its location in the constellation Triangulum, is the 2nd-nearest spiral galaxy to our Milky Way, after the Andromeda galaxy (M31). If you do manage to glimpse it, you’re looking across a distance of 2.7 million light-years.
  • In fireworks,the green flame is produced because of __________?  Barium
  • Permanent hardness of water can be removed by adding __________?  Washing soda
  • Sodium carbonate, Na2CO3, is also known as washing soda. It can remove temporary and permanent hardness from water. Sodium carbonate is soluble but calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate are insoluble.
  • The two elements that are frequently used for making transistors are :  Silicon and Germanium
  • Which of the following was first to be discovered in the chromospheres of the sun? Helium
  • Which of the following is used as a lubricant?  Graphite
  • Pregnancy time period of “mice” is ___________? 3 weeks
  • Which planet looks reddish in the night sky ? Mars
  • How many major gases have been used in re​frig​er​a​tors since its invention?  3
  • Which of the following phenomena of light are involved in the formation of a rainbow? Refraction , Dispersion &Total internal reflection.
  • Pluto is known as dwarf planet because which of the following reasons: It does not have always same neighboring planet
  • A dwarf planet is, “a celestial body orbiting a star that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity but has not cleared its neighboring region of planetesimals and is not a satellite. More explicitly, it has to have sufficient mass to overcome its compressive strength and achieve.
  • The above definition was adopted by IAU 2006.

  • The dwarf planet is a celestial body that is orbiting around the sun and a mass to assume a nearly round shape.
  • It has not cleared the neighborhood space around it and not comes in satellite category. It is far from other planets. This the major difference between a planet and a dwarf planet.
  • These criteria are fulfilled by Pluto.
  • Pluto prior to this adaptation was considered as ninth planet of Solar system. In 2006, its status changed to dwarf planet.
  • Pluto is an icy dwarf planet inside the Kupier belt. It was discovered in 1930 and considered then as part of solar system.
    So, it does not have always the same neighbouring planet is the correct option.
  • There are currently five dwarf planets: Pluto, Eris, Makemake, Haumea, and Ceres.
  • Which is the New & Most Important Culprit damaging the ozone Layer?  Nitrous Oxide 
  • According to Quark theory, there are _________ elementary particles. Six
  • What is the chemical name of Oil of Vitriol?  Sulphuric Acid
  • Water is a good solvent of ionic salts because: It has a high dipole moment
  • The main constituent of Pearls are: ______________? Calcium Carbonate &Megnesium Carbonate

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