Executive Order on Parole 1934

Executive Order on Parole 1934

Ø  Order 56 of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 deals with_______________?  Daily abstract by Parole Officer

Ø  Whenever any fine is received from the parolee or his relative________________?   A printed receipt should be issued for the amount recovered

Ø  If parolee is fined the fine will be paid by_________________?  The parolee himself & Relative of the parolee

Ø  Order 54 duty bounds_____ to maintain a regular account of the delivery of the pass book to the parolee?  Parole Officer

Ø  Order_____ deals with transfer of parolee bank account to post office where finally the wants to settle and handover the pass book to him?  54

Ø  When a prisoner released on parole has finished his sentence, the Assistant Director will inform the Superintendent of Jail in Form_______________?  3.26

Ø  Under Order 52, after the parolee released has been finally released an intimation to this effect shall be sent by he Parole Officer to the Assistant Director in Form?  3.25

Ø  Final release of a Parolee is dealt by Order________ of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934? 51

Ø  Order 50 of the Exective Orders on Parole deals with? Savings

Ø  In case of escape of Parolee Assistant Director can also instruct the Public Prosecutor to drop the case under section 394, ______________?  Code of Criminal Procedure

Ø  If a person released under the Good Conduct Prisoner Probational Release Act, absconds or fails to return to jail on revocation of his license, the Parole Officer will report to ______________?  Assistant Director

Ø  Revocation of licenses is dealt by Order________ of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934? 48

Ø  Order_____ of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 deals with disposal of parolees for whom employment not available?  47

Ø  As per Order 47 clause_____ causal leave may be earned by a parolee under the Act by means of approved work and good conduct at the rate of________ per six months?  Five days

Ø  Order_________ of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 deals with causal leave of parolee?  46

Ø  Under Order 44 of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 in case of serious illness a prisoner released on parole should be sent as an indoor patient to the nearest ?  Private Hospital & Sub-Jail Hospital

Ø  A parole released prisoners should be supplied diet free of charge when admitted indoor patient in________________?  Hospital & Dispensary

Ø  Order______ of the Executive Orders on Parole deals with sickness of a parolee?   43

Ø  Under Order 39 of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 A parolee eligible for remission under these orders, who for a period of one year has not committed any offence shall be awarded_____ day remission as A.G.C.P?  Fifteen days

Ø  Order_____ to _____ of the Executive Order on Parole, 1934 deals with remissions?   37 to 41

Ø  As per Order 37 of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 the remission for good work and no complaint shall be__________ day in a month?  Six days.

Ø  The pay of prisoners released on parole shall be disbursed to them by the employers or his agent through the_________________?   Parole Officer

Ø  Order 35 of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 bound Parole Officer to keep register regarding________________?  Advances made to parolees

Ø  The Parole Officer, shall, when necessary, make advances to the parolees upto a total regulated by Assistant Director to enable them to buy______________?  Cooking utensils & Foodstuff for a first few days & Clothing and blankets etC.

Ø  Order _________ of the Executive Orders on Paroles, 1934 bound a Parole Officer to maintain a personal file of each prisoner on parole and employed under his care?  30

Ø  Order____ of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 deals with agreement in writing between Parole Officer and employer? 25

Ø  Order 23________ deals with entry about restricted places in licence?  3

Ø  Under Order 22, the Parole Officer should examine the history ticket before taking the delivery of the prisoners from the jail and the cases of the following should be reported to Assistant Director for orders before taking the delivery_________________?  Those who have been awarded jail punishment after the submission of rolls for parole release & Those who have more than two convictions to their credit and appears to be hardened criminals

Ø  Order________ of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 deals with supply of parolees and documents by Jail Superintendent to Parole Officer?  18

Ø  As per Order 15, of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 as soon as release of a prisoners on parole is sanctioned, the Superintendent of the Jail where prisoner is confined shall be requested in form___________ to transfer him to the concentration Jail concerned?  3.1

Ø  Under Order, 12 of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 the licenses will be signed by________________?  Assistant Director & Any Officer nominated by Assistant Director

Ø  Order ________ to _________ of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 deals with licenses?  11 to 14

Ø  Under Order 8, of the Executive Order on Parole, 1934 the Superintendent of Jail shall prepare the rolls of the prisoners to be considered for release under the Act in Form 3.3 and forward it to the Assistant Director together with the statement willingness in form________________? 3.4

Ø  Order 7 of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 provided ________ ways for release of prisoners?   Four

Ø  As per Order 6 of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 relaxation referred to in the clause (b) of Rule 9 of the Good Conduct Prisoner’s Probational Release Rules, in favor of adolescents, should be sparingly exercised and generally in respect of those only for whom vacancies exists at the____________________? Borstal Farm

Ø  Order_____ bounds each prospective employer to submit to the Assistant Director, through the Parole Officer concerned, an application in form “G” (3.1) for the employment of one or more parolees?  4

Ø  Under Order, 2 of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934, if the Parole Officer should fall ill so that he cannot perform his duties he should inform the______________? Assistant Director

Ø  When submitting weekly abstract of the statistic of G.C.P.P.R in Form 3.27 in a Division, the Parole Officer should give the details of the_____ employed in each District?  Parolees

Ø  As per order 55___________________?  District Coordination Officer &  Assistant Director

Ø  Order 55, of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 deals with______________?  Payment of fine by parolee & Procedure to be adopted by Parole Officer in fine case

Ø  On final release of parole released prisoner the Parole Officer shall return the history ticket to the Superintendent of Jail who will keep it_______________?  Until one year after the prisoner’s release

Ø  Order_____ to ______ of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 deals with final release of prisoners?  50 to 55

Ø  About a________ before the final release of a conditionally released prisoner fall due to the Parole Officer shall send to the Assistant Director the final release statement in form (3.23) and shall apply for his final release order ?  Month

Ø  Under Order 50 of the Executive Orders on Parole an account for parolee shall be opened with_________________?  Any one of above

Ø  If a Parolee abscond or fails to return to jail on revocation of his license, the Parole Officer will report to the Assistant Director and will lodge a complaint at________________? Nearest Police Station

Ø  Order 49 of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 deals with_________________?  Escape of Parolee

Ø  Under Order 46 Clause_____ a register showing the leave earned and taken by parolee shall be kept by the Parole Officer, and the Assistant Director shall keep a record of all leave granted?   (IX)

Ø  As per Order 46 of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 casual leave may be granted to parolee under_______________?  G.C.P.P.R. Act

Ø  Order________ to________ of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 deals with sickness?  43 to 45

Ø  If a prisoner released on parole falls ill, in ordinary cases he should be sent by the Parole Officer or if the matter seems urgent by the employer, to__________________?  Local S.A.S

Ø  Under Order 41 of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 if a parolee mis-behaves, while released on parole he shall in addition to any punishment to which he may be liable under the ordinary law be punished with________________?  Forfeiture of remission of whatever he earned

Ø  The total remission awarded to a parolee before and during parole release should not exceed, without the special sanction of the Provincial Government__________ part of his sentence?   One-third

Ø  Order __________ of the Executive orders On parole deals with special remission?  38

Ø  Order________________ of the Executive Orders on Parole deals with remissions?  37

Ø  Order__________ of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 deals with wages of parolees?  36

Ø  Advances made to a parole under Order 33 of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 made for purchase of food, utensils etc. shall be gradually recovered by____________________?  Instalments.

Ø  Order 32, of the Executive Order On Parole, 1934 deals with entry of details by Parole Officer about his tours in___________________?  Diary

Ø  Under Order 28 of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 the Parole Officer shall, at the expenses of __________ provides articles (chorpoys, beddings, cooking utensils) to the parolee?   Government

Ø  Under Order 23(2), particulars of the released prisoners received by the Parole Officer shall be intimated by him to the_____________________?  Assistant Director in Form 3.12

Ø  Under Order 19, of the Executive Orders on Parole, the Superintendent of Jail shall issue to the parole released prisoner__________________?  Clothing , Money & Railway

Ø  As soon as the parolees are arrived at the concentration Jail, the Superintendent shall send intimation to this effect to the___________________?  Parole Officer

Ø  Order_____ to _____ of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 deals with concentration of Jails and duties of Superintendent of Jail?  15 to 21

Ø  Under Order 11 of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 the licences of the prisoners whose parole release has been sanctioned by the Government will be prepared in triplicate in___________________?   Two copies in English and one copy in Urdu

Ø  After receiving rolls of prisoner to be released on parole the Assistant Directors shall issue an enquiry letter to the_______________?  Superintendent of Police concerned

Ø  Order 8, of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 deals with duty of ________________ for preparation of roll of prisoners to be released on parole?  Superintendent of Jail

Ø  Order 7, of the Executive Orders on Paroles 1934 deals with ways upon which Assistant Director Act while_________________?   Releasing a prisoner

Ø  Order 5 of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 deals with______________?  Acceptance of application & Registers

Ø  Order 3 of the Executive Orders on parole, 1934 bound the Parole Officer to touch with___________________?  Possible employers of labors

Ø  As per Order 1, of the Executive Directors on Parole, 1934 whenever a Parole Officer is appointed the _____ will inform the District Coordination Officer and Superintendent of Police of the District about appointment?  Director

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