Family Courts Act 1964 For LAW GAT & LAT 2023

Family Courts Act 1964 

Ø  Section 18, of the Family Court Act 1964 authorized ___________ lady to appear through agent?  Pardanashin Lady

Ø  The failure of maintenance payment may cause defendants_________________?  Right of defense be struck off

Ø  Section___________ of the Family Courts Act deals with contempt of Family Courts?  16

Ø  The appellate Court in Family appeal shall dispose of the appeal in ___________________? Four months

Ø  Where the Family Court is presided over by a District Judge an Additional District Judge the appeal against judgment and decree shall be to ______________?  High Court

Ø  For execution of Family Court judgment and decree the execution court exercise its powers as_______________? Civil Court

Ø  A Family Court is empowered by section_____ if it deems fit to direct that any money to be paid under a decree passed by it in instalments as it deems fit______________?  13(5)

Ø  The specified period for disposing family suit under Section 12-A is_______________?  Six months

Ø  After the closing of evidence of both sides the Family Courts shall make another effort for compromise or reconciliation between the parties as provided in_______________?  Section 12(1)

Ø  If no compromise or reconciliation is possible the Court shall_______________?   Frame the issues

Ø  Section 10, of the Family Courts Act deals with_________________?   Pre-trial proceeding

Ø  As per section 9(1)(b), of the Family Courts Act a defendant wife may in the written statement to a suit for restitution of conjugal rights can make a claim for_________________?  Dissolution of marriage  & Dissolution of marriage on the basis of Khula

Ø  Section 9 of The Family Courts Act, 1964 deals with______________? Written statement

Ø  When a plaint is presented in Family Court it shall fix a date of not more than ______________ days for defendants’ appearance?  30

Ø  The plaint for dissolution of marriage may contain_____________?  Claim regarding maintenance, dower, personal belongings and property of the wife

Ø  In a Family Suit the plaint shall contain all facts relating to the dispute and shall contain _________ giving the number of witnesses intended to be produced in support of the plaint ?  List of witnesses

Ø  Section 7, of the Family Courts Act deals with_______________?   Institution of suits

Ø  Qualification of Judge of a Family Court is provided in section _______________ of the Family Courts Act, 1964?  4

Ø  As per section 3(2) of Family Courts Act, 1964 a women Judge may be appointed for more than one District and in such cases the women judge may sit for disposal of cases at such place or places in either District as_______________?  The provincial Government may specify

Ø  The Judge of Family Court may act under section ___________ Cr.P.C and may make orders for maintenance under that section?  488

Ø  Family Courts Act, 1964 contains _____________ Schedule? One

Ø  As per section 1, sub section (2) Family Courts Act extends to_______________?  Whole of Pakistan

Ø  Family Courts Act, 1964 contains ________________ sections?  26

Ø  Family Courts Act, was assented to by the Governor of West Pakistan on________________?  14 July, 1964

Ø  Schedule Part-I of the Family Courts Act describe________, types of family suits? 9

Ø  As per section 22, of the Family Courts Act, A Family Court shall not have the power to issue an injunction to or stay any proceedings pending before_______________?  Chairman of Union Council & Arbitration Council

Ø  Section ___________________ of the Family Courts Act, 1964 prescribes the Court Fees ?  19

Ø  Section_____, of the Family Courts Act deals with transfer of cases? 25-A

Ø  A marriage registered under the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961________________?  Cannot be questioned by Family Court

Ø  Section 20, of the Family Court Act, empowers a Family Court to exercise the powers of a Judicial Magistrate of_________________? 1st Class

Ø  The Court Fee to be paid on plaint of Family suit is____________________?  15, rupees

Ø  As per section 17-B, Family Court may issue commission to_____________________?   Examine any person , Make a local investigation & Inspect any property or document

Ø  The time for payment of maintenance as provided in section 17-A, is___________________? 14th, of each month

Ø  The Family Court is empowered by section______ of the Family Courts Act, 1964 to summons witnesses?  15

Ø  Section_____ of The Family Courts Act, 1964 deals with appeal? 14

Ø  The decree of a Family Court shall be executed by________________?  The Court passing it & Any Civil Court

Ø  If conciliation failed 2nd time the Family Court shall_________________?  Announce its judgment and give a decree

Ø  Section 11, of the Family Courts Act, 1964 deals with_______________?  Recording of evidence & Evidence through affidavit

Ø  Basic task of pre-trial proceeding by the Court is to________________?  Provide an opportunity to the spouses for reconciliation

Ø  If it is proved that the summons or notices were duly served upon the defendant and defendant failed to appear before the Court on the fix date the Family Court may proceed ex-party as provided by section __________________? 9(5)(a)

Ø  As per section 9(1)(a), defendant husband may where no earlier suit for restitution of conjugal rights is pending claim for a decree of restitution of conjugal rights ?  In his written Statement

Ø  Section 8(1)(c) bounds the plaintiff that he while summoning to defendant attach copy of__________ with summons?  Plaint

Ø  Section___________ of the Family Courts Act deals with intimation to defendants?  8

Ø  As per section 7(2), of Family Courts Act provided that the parties may with the permission of___________ call any witness at any later stage if the Court considers such evidence expedient in the interest of justice?  Court

Ø  In family suit the plaint shall contain___________________?  List of witnesses

Ø  As per section 5(3), The High Court may with approval of the Government amend the____________ so as to alter, delete or add any entry thereto?  Schedule of family Courts Act

Ø  As per section 4, No Person shall be appointed as a judge of Family Court unless he is or has been or is qualified to be appointed as_______________?  Additional District Judge & District Judge & A Civil Judge

Ø  As per section 3, of the Family Courts Act, 1964 there must be at least one Family Court in_________________?  Each District

Ø  A family Judge may be___________________?  Male & Female

Ø  Section _________ of the Family Courts Act, 1964 deals with establishment of Family Courts ?  3

Ø  The powers of ___________ Magistrate have been conferred on every Judge of the Family Court?  1st class

Ø  Family Court means a Court constituted under________________?  Family Courts Act, 1964

Ø  The object behind the establishment of Family Courts is to deal with_______________?  Family affairs

Ø  Family Courts Act was enforced on________________?  2nd November, 1964

Ø  Family Courts Act was assented to by the__________________? Governor of the West Pakistan

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