Limitation Act 1908 Law Graduate Assessment Test (LAW-GAT) 2023

Limitation Act 1908

Ø  Time Limitation for moving application under section 12(2), of C.P.C is?  Three years

Ø  Time limitation for enforcement of a judgment decree or order of any High Courts in its ordinary jurisdiction is_______________?  Six years

Ø  Time limitation for filing application by purchaser of immovable property at a sale in execution of a decree for delivery of possession is____________________?  Three years, when the sale become absolute

Ø  Time limitation for filing application to became as legal representative due to death of plaintiff or appellant is_________________?  Ninety days, from the date of death of deceased plaintiff or appellant

Ø  Time limitation for the payment of the amount of a decree by installments is__________________?  Six months, from the date of decree

Ø  Time limitation for moving an application under C.P.C by legal representative of deceased plaintiff or defendant for setting aside an order or judgment made or pronounce in his absence is______________?   Sixty days, from date of order or judgment

Ø  Time limitation for filing an application for re-hearing of an appeal heard ex-parte is_________________?  Thirty days from the date of decree & Thirty days, from the date of knowledge

Ø  Time limitation for filling an application for re-admission of appeal dismissed for want of prosecution is_________________? Thirty days, from the date of dismissal

Ø  Time limitation under C.P.C to set aside a sale in execution of a decree including any such application by a judgment debtor is___________________?   Thirty days, from the date of sale

Ø  Time limitation for the review of a judgment by a High Court in the exercise of its original jurisdiction is________________?  Twenty days, from the date of decree or order

Ø  The time limitation for leave to defend a suit under Order XXXVII, of C.P.C_________________?  Ten days, when the summons are served

Ø  Under Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 from an order of acquittal time limitation of appeal is`________________?  Six months, from the date of order

Ø  Time limitation for appeal against dcree or order of Civil Judge before Court of District Judge is__________________?  Thirty days from the date of decree or order

Ø  Time limitation for appeal under the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 from a sentence of death passed by the Court of Session or by a High Court in its original jurisdiction is_________________?  Seven days

Ø  Time limitation for filing suit for compensation for false imprisonment is _____________________?  One year

Ø  The time limitation for filing suit for specific performance of a contract is _______________ years?  Three

Ø  In the case of a suit for compensation for an act, which does not give rise to cause of action unless some specific injury actually result therefrom. The period of limitation shall be computed_________________?  From the time when the injury results

Ø  Articles ________ to__________ of the Limitation Act, 1908 deals with computation of period of limitation?  12 to 25

Ø  In computing the period of limitation prescribed for any suit the time during which the defendant has been absent from Pakistan and from the territories beyond Pakistan under the Administration of the Central Government shall be_______________?  Excluded

Ø  Section 11 of the Limitation Act, 1908 deals with suits___________________?  Foreign Contracts

Ø  As per section 9 of the Limitation Act, 1908 where once time has begun to run,?  No subsequent disability or inability sue to can stop it

Ø  A person passes through legal disability can file suit, make application_________________?  Out of limitation period

Ø  The right to sue for the hire of boat accurse to A during his minority. He attains majority four years after such accrual. He may institute his suit at any time within__________________?   five years from the date of his attaining majority

Ø  Legal disability is provided in section__________ of the Limitation Act, 1908?  6

Ø  As per section 4, of The Limitation Act of 1908 where the period of limitation prescribed for any suit, appeal or application expires on a day when the Court is closed______________?  The suit, appeal or application may be instituted preferred on the day when Court re-opens

Ø  Definitions are provided in section________ of limitation Act, of 1908?  2

Ø  The Limitation Act, 1908 was enforced on_________________?  First day of January, 1909

Ø  Where no period of limitation is provided in limitation Act’s Schedule or s. 48, of C.P.C. than_______________?  Article 181, of Limitation Act, is applicable

Ø  Time limitation for enforcement of Supreme Court order in its original jurisdiction is_________________?  Six years

Ø  Time limitation for execution of a decree or order of any Civil Court is________________?  Three years from the date of order or decree &  Six years, in case of appeal revision or review results

Ø  Article 181, of the Limitation Act, is__________________?  Residuary Article in nature

Ø  Time limitation for filing application to became legal representative due to death of defendant or respondent is___________________?  Ninety days, from the death of defendant or respondent.

Ø  Time limitation for review of cases of judgment except in the cases provided in Article 161 and 162 of Limitation Act is_________________?  Ninety days,

Ø  Time limitation for filing appeal leave as pauper is_______________?  Thirty days, from the date of the decree appealed from

Ø  Time limitation for complaining of resistance or obstruction to delivery of possession of immovable property decreed or sold in execution of a decree is______________?  Thirty days, from the date of resistance

Ø  Time limitation under C.P.C by a person disposed of immovable property and disputing the right of decree holder or purchaser at a sale in execution of a decree to be put into execution is________________?  Thirty days, from the date of dispossession

Ø  Time limitation for revision under section 115, of C.P.C is__________________?  Ninety days, from the date of decision sought to be revised

Ø  Time limitation for restoration of review petition due to absence of petitioner is___________________?  Fifteen days, from the date when the application for review is rejected

Ø  Time limitation for filing application under Arbitration Act, 1940 to set aside an award or to get an award remitted for reconsideration is_________________?  Thirty days, from the date of service of filing the award

Ø  Time limitation for appeal against any order of criminal Court to Court of Session is_____________?  Thirty days, from the date of order.

Ø  Time limitation for appeal from a decree or order of High Court in its original jurisdiction is__________________?  Twenty days,

Ø  The time limitation for filing suit for breach of contract is________________?  Three years from the time when the contract broken

Ø  The time limit for right of easement is______________? Twenty years

Ø  Section ________ of the Limitation Act, 1908 deals with exclusion of time of proceeding bona fide in Court without jurisdiction?  14

Ø  As per section 12, of the Limitation Act, in computing the period of limitation prescribed for any suit, appeal or application the day from which such period is reckoned? Shall be excluded

Ø  Section ______ of the Limitation Act, 1908 deals with suits against express trustees and their representatives?  10

Ø  Section 8 of the Limitation Act deal with___________________?  Special exception

Ø  A right to sue accurse to X during his minority, X dies before attaining the majority and is succeeded by Y, his minor son. Time runs against Y from the date of __________________?  His attaining majority

Ø  Where a person entitled to institute a suit or proceeding or make an application for the execution of a decree is, at the time from which the period of the limitation is to be reckoned, he can institute suit, make application or other proceeding after getting rid from ?  Insaneness , Minority & Idiotness

Ø  Section 5 of Limitation Act provides?  Extension of limitation period in certain cases

Ø  A suit filed, appeal preferred and application made after period of limitation_________________?  Would be dismissed

Ø  The Law of Limitation is not applicable to_____________?   Inheritance matters

Ø  The Limitation Act of 1908 contains ________ Schedule? 1

Ø  The Limitation Act, of 1908 contains_____ sections? 32

Ø  The Limitation Act, 1908 was enacted on_________________?  7th August, 1908

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